EVA FISCHER °°° art direction “sound:frame” and production managment “Diagonale” |
FRANZOBEL °°° author |
ANDREAS GALL °°° chief innovation officer “Red Bull Media House” |
SUSANNE KENNEDY °°° stage director |
EBERHARD KLOKE °°° conductor and composer |
BERNHARD LEITNER °°° media artist and university professor |
“We have to ask ourselves, to what extent VR is and is going to be interesting for film, and thus the film industry; as well as how far film has to react to technological developments and the market.”
Eva Fischer, art direction “sound:frame” and production managment “Diagonale”
instagram.com | padlet.com | pinterest.at | sketchfab.com | soundcloud.com | vimeo.com | youtube.com |