191 Publikationen gingen im Jahr 2023 aus der wissenschaftlichen Arbeit der Forscher*innen der FH St. Pölten hervor.
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Siragy, T., Russo, Y., & Horsak, B. (2024). Mediolateral Margin of Stability highlights motor strategies for maintaining dynamic balance in older adults. PLOS ONE, 19(10), e0313034.
Slijepcevic, D., Krondorfer, P., Unglaube, F., Kranzl, A., Zeppelzauer, M., & Horsak, B. (2024). Predicting ground reaction forces in overground walking from gait kinematics using machine learning. Gait & Posture, 113, 214–215.
Slijepcevic, D., Horst, F., Simak, M. L., Schöllhorn, W. I., Horsak, B., & Zeppelzauer, M. (2024). Decoding Gait Signatures: Exploring Individual Patterns in Pathological Gait using Explainable AI. IEEE Access, 1–1.
Teufl, G., Simonlehner, M., Prock, K., & Horsak, B. (2024). Comparing Jump Height Estimated From A Virtual Reality Head-Mounted-Display and Force plate. ISBS Proceedings Archive, 42, 922.
Totorean, A., Lancere, L., Horsak, B., Simonlehner, M., Stoia, D. I., Crisan-Vida, M., Moco, D., Fernandes, R., Gere, A., Sterckx, Y., Zulkarnain, A., Gal-Nadasan, N., & Stoia, A. (2024). Heart Rate and Surface Electromyography Analysis to Assess Physical Activity Using a Virtual-Reality Exergame. In N. Herisanu & V. Marinca (Eds.), Acoustics and Vibration of Mechanical Structures—AVMS-2023 (pp. 139–146). Springer Nature Switzerland.
Vulpe-Grigorasi, A., Gollan, B., & Leung, V. (2024). Assessing Cognitive Load in Distraction and Task Switching: Implications for Developing Realistic Clinical XR Training. 41st Computer Graphics International Conference, CGI 2024, Geneva, Switzerland, July 1–5, 2024, Proceedings, Part II. CGI Computer Graphics International 2024, Geneva Switzerland.
Vulpe-Grigorasi, A., Kren, Z., Slijepčević, D., Schmied, R., & Leung, V. (2024). Attention performance classification based on eye tracking and machine learning. Informatics 2024 Proceedings. IEEE International Scientific Conference on Informatics, Poprad Slovakia.
Zülch, H., Kovarova-Simecek, M., Mölders, M., Bock, L., & Barrantes, E. (2024). Finfluencer im Fokus: Marktüberblick und tiefergehende Untersuchung von Instagram – Analyse und Handlungsempfehlungen für die Finanzkommunikation von börsennotierten Unternehmen. KoR - Zeitschrift für internationale und kapitalmarktorientierte Rechnungslegung, 24. Jg.(3), 137–146.
Acosta, M., Peroni, S., Vahdati, S., Gentile, A. L., Pellegrini, T., Kalo, J. C., & Krone, Jan (Eds.). (2023). KNOWLEDGE GRAPHS: semantics, machine learning, and languages. IOS PRESS.
Altendorfer, K., & Felberbauer, T. (2023). Forecast and production order accuracy for stochastic forecast updates with demand shifting and forecast bias correction. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 125, 102740.
Anderluh, A., Hemmelmayr, V., & Turan, B. (2023). Citylogistik im Wandel der Zeit. In T. Wakolbinger & E. W. Fürst (Eds.), "Transport, Logistik und Supply Chain Management im Wandel der Zeit" (pp. 35–51). WU Wien.
Anderluh, A., Moser, M., Pellegrini, T., Richter, L., Zahra, M., Hackl, R., Raffler, C., & Sempoch, C. (2023). CE4ALL - Kreislaufwirtschaft für alle: Incentives, Enabler und Inhibitoren für einen nachhaltigen Konsum (Berichte aus Energie- und Umweltforschung). BMK.
Anderluh, A., Figueroa-Valle, F., Graf, P., Michelberger, F., Prem, M., Wagner, A., & Haramina, H. (2023). NITOB - Nachhaltige intermodale Transportketten durch Optimierung von Bahnabläufen [Endbericht]. FH St. Pölten.
Belinskaya, Y. (2023). ‘Insider news’ on Russian Telegram: Resembling truth, proximity and objectivity. Journal of Applied Journalism & Media Studies.
Belinskaya, Y. (2023). How the internet is being tamed in Russia: Chronicle of state securitization measures. Journalism Research, 6(1), 71–92.
Bruckner, Franziska, Feyersinger, Erwin, & Lechner, Patrik. (2023, June 14). AniVision: Machine Learning as a Tool for Studying Animation in Ephemeral Films [Vortrag]. Society for Animation Studies 34th Annual Conference – The Animated Environment, Online – Glassboro.
Serralha, M. de F., Anderluh, A., Santos, B., Radványi, D., Leščevica, M., Mesbahi, Z., Carriço, N., Nolz, P., Coninck, S., & Galatanu, S. (2023). Chapter 9: The contribution of urban domestic waste management to the circular economy: The perspective of six European countries. In L. C. Carvalho, P. Bogas, J. Kneipp, L. Avila, & E. Ossmane (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Solving Societal Challenges Through Sustainability-Oriented Innovation (pp. 159–181). IGI Global.
Dam, T., Krimbacher, A., & Neumaier, S. (2023, September). Policy Patterns for Usage Control in Data Spaces. Fifth International Workshop On A Semantic Data Space For Transport @ SEMANTiCS 2023. SEMANTiCS 2023.
de Jesus Oliveira, V. A., Slijepčević, D., Dumphart, B., Ferstl, S., Reis, J., Raberger, A.-M., Heller, M., Horsak, B., & Iber, M. (2023). Auditory feedback in tele-rehabilitation based on automated gait classification. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing.
Dumphart, B., Slijepcevic, D., Kranz, A., Zeppelzauer, M., & Horsak, B. (2023). Is it time to re-think the appropriateness of autocorrelation for gait event detection? Preliminary results of an ongoing study. Gait & Posture, 106, S50–S51.